The Leadership Ring

The ring has a circular shape that forms to fit the finger. A circle is never-ending. It is constant and infinite. Likewise, a true leader is constant. Leaders are not people-pleasers nor do they sway to the left or right depending on who is around them. They are constant in their morals; in their vision and viewpoints. Rings are also solid and sturdy. Leaders stand their ground and are not indecisive. They are firm in their commitment. Rings can be molded and fitted to the finger to make the perfect fit so that they never slip off, get lost, or inflict pain. Likewise, leaders can be selected for specific and special purposes. One person can be the perfect match for a specific situation where another person might not. It all depends on the situation, the people involved, and the needs of the group.

Another aspect of rings that capture the essence of leadership is that they are not perfect. Rings get scratched and lose their shine. An effective leader will be the first to admit that they are not perfect. Leaders make mistakes. Leadership is not always as glorious as it may seem from the outside. There are many critics of leaders and what they do and say. Therefore, the ring not only is a symbol of the good parts of leadership, but also the more difficult parts. The wear and the scratches on the ring show that the leaders are also in the trenches. They are examples of what they want their followers to emulate.

Most individuals can become a leader in some shape or form, on a large scale or a small one. Rings come in different forms, shapes, sizes, and styles. They are forged out of heat and hard work and take time to develop. Leaders are unique as well; there are no two leaders out there who are the same. Leaders do not just become leaders in a flash; it takes sacrificing and hard work towards a goal. It takes a lot of time and effort to develop those traits and fine tune the skills of leadership. Many times a person only has one ring on the hand. Leaders can often times be isolated, and must stand alone in order to grow and progress. Leaders will stick up for their beliefs and have confidence in their morals to the extent that they may be lonely and unpopular. Certain rings are more glamorous and brilliant, whereas others can be dull, ugly, and poorly formed. Equally, some leaders are more charismatic, personable and effective than others. However, it doesn’t change the fact that a ring is a ring, and a true leader a true leader.

Types and Purposes

Sometimes a ring symbolizes hard work and commitment. It may also represent dedication and love. True leaders are committed and dedicated to their cause and truly love what they do. Leaders don’t become leaders overnight, they must work at it, pay the price and put forth the effort.

Oftentimes a ring represents great achievements or excellence. Effective leaders set goals early on and work their way up to achieve them. They must practice, study, put in extra hours, and go above and beyond to achieve their goals. They have a sense of competition and know what it is like to succeed with opposition. Leaders are familiar with winning and losing in the face of opposing forces. However, in the end, when they come out victorious it is because they earned it; they earned the credibility and right to lead. Therefore, more people are apt to follow them because of their dedication to success.


I believe that rings truly capture the essence of leadership. The physical features and characteristics of rings determine the characteristics of leaders. There are so many underlying analogies within the analogy of the ring that capture what leadership is and what it should represent. In one form or another, all people can be leaders within their own spheres of influence. Leadership is not just something that is easy as purchasing a ring at the store. Just like the person who had to work to earn the money to buy the ring, one must work hard at becoming a leader who will influence the lives of others in a positive and sustainable way.

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About the Author
Steele Kizerian

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